14 October 2012

Untuk Kita Kongsi Sama Sama

@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ NickServ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
/msg NickServ HELP
-NickServ- NickServ allows you to "register" a nickname and
-NickServ- prevent others from using it. The following
-NickServ- commands allow for registration and maintenance of
-NickServ- nicknames; to use them, type /msg NickServ command.
-NickServ- For more information on a specific command, type
-NickServ- /msg NickServ HELP command.
-NickServ-     REGISTER   Register a nickname
-NickServ-     CONFIRM    Confirm a nickserv auth code
-NickServ-     RESEND     Resend a nickserv auth code
-NickServ-     GROUP      Join a group
-NickServ-     GLIST      Lists all nicknames in your group
-NickServ-     IDENTIFY   Identify yourself with your password
-NickServ-     ACCESS     Modify the list of authorized addresses
-NickServ-     SET        Set options, including kill protection
-NickServ-     DROP       Cancel the registration of a nickname
-NickServ-     RECOVER    Kill another user who has taken your nick
-NickServ-     RELEASE    Regain custody of your nick after RECOVER
-NickServ-     SENDPASS   Forgot your password? Try this
-NickServ-     GHOST      Disconnects a "ghost" IRC session using your nick
-NickServ-     ALIST      List channels you have access on
-NickServ-     INFO       Displays information about a given nickname
-NickServ-     LOGOUT     Reverses the effect of the IDENTIFY command
-NickServ-     STATUS     Returns the owner status of the given nickname
-NickServ-     UPDATE     Updates your current status, i.e. it checks for new memos
-NickServ-     AUTOOP     Toggles auto-op'ing when joining channels
-NickServ- Nicknames that are not used anymore are subject to
-NickServ- the automatic expiration, i.e. they will be deleted
-NickServ- after 21 days if not used.
-NickServ- NOTICE: This service is intended to provide a way for
-NickServ- IRC users to ensure their identity is not compromised.
-NickServ- It is NOT intended to facilitate "stealing" of
-NickServ- nicknames or other malicious actions.  Abuse of NickServ
-NickServ- will result in, at minimum, loss of the abused
-NickServ- nickname(s).
-NickServ- Syntax: REGISTER password [email]
-NickServ- Registers your nickname in the NickServ database.  Once
-NickServ- your nick is registered, you can use the SET and ACCESS
-NickServ- commands to configure your nick's settings as you like
-NickServ- them.  Make sure you remember the password you use when
-NickServ- registering - you'll need it to make changes to your nick
-NickServ- later.  (Note that case matters!  ANOPE, Anope, and
-NickServ- anope are all different passwords!)
-NickServ- Guidelines on choosing passwords:
-NickServ- Passwords should not be easily guessable.  For example,
-NickServ- using your real name as a password is a bad idea.  Using
-NickServ- your nickname as a password is a much worse idea ;) and,
-NickServ- in fact, NickServ will not allow it.  Also, short
-NickServ- passwords are vulnerable to trial-and-error searches, so
-NickServ- you should choose a password at least 5 characters long.
-NickServ- Finally, the space character cannot be used in passwords.
-NickServ- The parameter email is optional and will set the email
-NickServ- for your nick immediately. However, it may be required
-NickServ- on certain networks.
-NickServ- Your privacy is respected; this e-mail won't be given to
-NickServ- any third-party person.
-NickServ- This command also creates a new group for your nickname,
-NickServ- that will allow you to register other nicks later sharing
-NickServ- the same configuration, the same set of memos and the
-NickServ- same channel privileges. For more information on this
-NickServ- feature, type /msg NickServ HELP GROUP.
/msg NickServ HELP CONFIRM
-NickServ- No help available for confirm.
/msg NickServ HELP RESEND
-NickServ- No help available for RESEND.
/msg NickServ HELP GROUP
-NickServ- Syntax: GROUP target password
-NickServ- This command makes your nickname join the target nickname's
-NickServ- group. password is the password of the target nickname.
-NickServ- Joining a group will allow you to share your configuration,
-NickServ- memos, and channel priviledges with all the nicknames in the
-NickServ- group, and much more!
-NickServ- A group exists as long as it is useful. This means that even
-NickServ- if a nick of the group is dropped, you won't lose the
-NickServ- shared things described above, as long as there is at
-NickServ- least one nick remaining in the group.
-NickServ- You can use this command even if you have not registered
-NickServ- your nick yet. If your nick is already registered, you'll
-NickServ- need to identify yourself before using this command. Type
-NickServ- /msg NickServ HELP IDENTIFY for more information. This
-NickServ- last may be not possible on your IRC network.
-NickServ- It is recommended to use this command with a non-registered
-NickServ- nick because it will be registered automatically when
-NickServ- using this command. You may use it with a registered nick (to
-NickServ- change your group) only if your network administrators allowed
-NickServ- it.
-NickServ- You can only be in one group at a time. Group merging is
-NickServ- not possible.
-NickServ- Note: all the nicknames of a group have the same password.
/msg NickServ HELP GLIST
-NickServ- Syntax: GLIST
-NickServ- Lists all nicks in your group.
-NickServ- Syntax: IDENTIFY password
-NickServ- Tells NickServ that you are really the owner of this
-NickServ- nick.  Many commands require you to authenticate yourself
-NickServ- with this command before you use them.  The password
-NickServ- should be the same one you sent with the REGISTER
-NickServ- command.
/msg NickServ HELP ACCESS
-NickServ- Syntax: ACCESS ADD mask
-NickServ-         ACCESS DEL mask
-NickServ-         ACCESS LIST
-NickServ- Modifies or displays the access list for your nick.  This
-NickServ- is the list of addresses which will be automatically
-NickServ- recognized by NickServ as allowed to use the nick.  If
-NickServ- you want to use the nick from a different address, you
-NickServ- need to send an IDENTIFY command to make NickServ
-NickServ- recognize you.
-NickServ- Examples:
-NickServ-     ACCESS ADD anyone@*.bepeg.com
-NickServ-         Allows access to user anyone from any machine in
-NickServ-         the bepeg.com domain.
-NickServ-     ACCESS DEL anyone@*.bepeg.com
-NickServ-         Reverses the previous command.
-NickServ-     ACCESS LIST
-NickServ-         Displays the current access list.
/msg NickServ HELP SET
-NickServ- Syntax: SET option parameters
-NickServ- Sets various nickname options.  option can be one of:
-NickServ-     DISPLAY    Set the display of your group in Services
-NickServ-     PASSWORD   Set your nickname password
-NickServ-     LANGUAGE   Set the language Services will use when
-NickServ-                    sending messages to you
-NickServ-     URL        Associate a URL with your nickname
-NickServ-     EMAIL      Associate an E-mail address with your nickname
-NickServ-     ICQ        Associate an ICQ number with your nickname
-NickServ-     GREET      Associate a greet message with your nickname
-NickServ-     KILL       Turn protection on or off
-NickServ-     SECURE     Turn nickname security on or off
-NickServ-     PRIVATE    Prevent your nickname from appearing in a
-NickServ-                    /msg NickServ LIST
-NickServ-     HIDE       Hide certain pieces of nickname information
-NickServ-     MSG        Change the communication method of Services
-NickServ- In order to use this command, you must first identify
-NickServ- with your password (/msg NickServ HELP IDENTIFY for more
-NickServ- information).
-NickServ- Type /msg NickServ HELP SET option for more information
-NickServ- on a specific option.
-NickServ- Syntax: SET DISPLAY new-display
-NickServ- Changes the display used to refer to your nickname group in
-NickServ- Services. The new display MUST be a nick of your group.
-NickServ- Syntax: SET PASSWORD new-password
-NickServ- Changes the password used to identify you as the nick's
-NickServ- owner.
-NickServ- Syntax: SET LANGUAGE number
-NickServ- Changes the language Services uses when sending messages to
-NickServ- you (for example, when responding to a command you send).
-NickServ- number should be chosen from the following list of
-NickServ- supported languages:
-NickServ-      1) English
-NickServ-      2) Français (French)
-NickServ-      3) Deutsch (German)
-NickServ-      4) Italiano (Italiano)
-NickServ-      5) Português (Portuguese)
-NickServ-      6) Español (Spanish)
-NickServ-      7) Türkçe (Turkish)
-NickServ-      8) Catala (Catalan)
-NickServ-      9) ÅëëçíéêÜ (Greek)
-NickServ-     10) Nederlands (Dutch)
-NickServ-     11) Ðóññêèé (Russian)
-NickServ-     12) Magyar (Hungarian)
-NickServ-     13) Polski (Polish)
/msg NickServ HELP SET URL
-NickServ- Syntax: SET URL url
-NickServ- Associates the given URL with your nickname.  This URL
-NickServ- will be displayed whenever someone requests information
-NickServ- on your nick with the INFO command.
/msg NickServ HELP SET EMAIL
-NickServ- Syntax: SET EMAIL address
-NickServ- Associates the given E-mail address with your nickname.
-NickServ- This address will be displayed whenever someone requests
-NickServ- information on the channel with the INFO command.
/msg NickServ HELP SET ICQ
-NickServ- Syntax: SET ICQ number
-NickServ- Associates the given ICQ number with your nickname.  This
-NickServ- number will be displayed whenever someone requests
-NickServ- information on your nick with the INFO command.
/msg NickServ HELP SET GREET
-NickServ- Syntax: SET GREET message
-NickServ- Makes the given message the greet of your nickname, that
-NickServ- will be displayed when joining a channel that has GREET
-NickServ- option enabled, provided that you have the necessary
-NickServ- access on it.
/msg NickServ HELP SET KILL
-NickServ- Syntax: SET KILL {ON | QUICK | IMMED | OFF}
-NickServ- Turns the automatic protection option for your nick
-NickServ- on or off.  With protection on, if another user
-NickServ- tries to take your nick, they will be given one minute to
-NickServ- change to another nick, after which NickServ will forcibly change
-NickServ- their nick.
-NickServ- If you select QUICK, the user will be given only 20 seconds
-NickServ- to change nicks instead of the usual 60.  If you select
-NickServ- IMMED, user's nick will be changed immediately without being
-NickServ- warned first or given a chance to change their nick; please
-NickServ- do not use this option unless necessary.  Also, your
-NickServ- network's administrators may have disabled this option.
-NickServ- Syntax: SET SECURE {ON | OFF}
-NickServ- Turns NickServ's security features on or off for your
-NickServ- nick.  With SECURE set, you must enter your password
-NickServ- before you will be recognized as the owner of the nick,
-NickServ- regardless of whether your address is on the access
-NickServ- list.  However, if you are on the access list, NickServ
-NickServ- will not auto-kill you regardless of the setting of the
-NickServ- KILL option.
-NickServ- Syntax: SET PRIVATE {ON | OFF}
-NickServ- Turns NickServ's privacy option on or off for your nick.
-NickServ- With PRIVATE set, your nickname will not appear in
-NickServ- nickname lists generated with NickServ's LIST command.
-NickServ- (However, anyone who knows your nickname can still get
-NickServ- information on it using the INFO command.)
/msg NickServ HELP SET HIDE
-NickServ- Allows you to prevent certain pieces of information from
-NickServ- being displayed when someone does a NickServ INFO on your
-NickServ- nick.  You can hide your E-mail address (EMAIL), last seen
-NickServ- user@host mask (USERMASK), your services access status
-NickServ- (STATUS) and  last quit message (QUIT).
-NickServ- The second parameter specifies whether the information should
-NickServ- be displayed (OFF) or hidden (ON).
/msg NickServ HELP SET MSG
-NickServ- Syntax: SET MSG {ON | OFF}
-NickServ- Allows you to choose the way Services are communicating with
-NickServ- you. With MSG set, Services will use messages, else they'll
-NickServ- use notices.
/msg NickServ HELP DROP
-NickServ- Syntax: DROP [nickname]
-NickServ- Drops your nickname from the NickServ database.  A nick
-NickServ- that has been dropped is free for anyone to re-register.
-NickServ- You may drop a nick within your group by passing it
-NickServ- as the nick parameter.
-NickServ- In order to use this command, you must first identify
-NickServ- with your password (/msg NickServ HELP IDENTIFY for more
-NickServ- information).
/msg NickServ HELP RECOVER
-NickServ- Syntax: RECOVER nickname [password]
-NickServ- Allows you to recover your nickname if someone else has
-NickServ- taken it; this does the same thing that NickServ does
-NickServ- automatically if someone tries to use a kill-protected
-NickServ- nick.
-NickServ- When you give this command, NickServ will bring a fake
-NickServ- user online with the same nickname as the user you're
-NickServ- trying to recover your nick from.  This causes the IRC
-NickServ- servers to disconnect the other user.  This fake user will
-NickServ- will remain online for one minute to ensure that the other
-NickServ- user does not immediately reconnect; after that minute, you
-NickServ- can reclaim your nick.  Alternatively, use the RELEASE
-NickServ- command (/msg NickServ HELP RELEASE) to get the nick
-NickServ- back sooner.
-NickServ- In order to use the RECOVER command for a nick, your
-NickServ- current address as shown in /WHOIS must be on that nick's
-NickServ- access list, you must be identified and in the group of
-NickServ- that nick, or you must supply the correct password for
-NickServ- the nickname.
/msg NickServ HELP RELEASE
-NickServ- Syntax: RELEASE nickname [password]
-NickServ- Instructs NickServ to remove any hold on your nickname
-NickServ- caused by automatic kill protection or use of the RECOVER
-NickServ- command.  By default, such holds last for one minute;
-NickServ- this command gets rid of them sooner.
-NickServ- In order to use the RELEASE command for a nick, your
-NickServ- current address as shown in /WHOIS must be on that nick's
-NickServ- access list, you must be identified and in the group of
-NickServ- that nick, or you must supply the correct password for
-NickServ- the nickname.
-NickServ- Syntax: SENDPASS nickname
-NickServ- Send the password of the given nickname to the e-mail address
-NickServ- set in the nickname record. This command is really useful
-NickServ- to deal with lost passwords.
-NickServ- May be limited to IRC operators on certain networks.
-NickServ- This command is unavailable when encryption is enabled.
/msg NickServ HELP GHOST
-NickServ- Syntax: GHOST nickname [password]
-NickServ- Terminates a "ghost" IRC session using your nick.  A
-NickServ- "ghost" session is one which is not actually connected,
-NickServ- but which the IRC server believes is still online for one
-NickServ- reason or another.  Typically, this happens if your
-NickServ- computer crashes or your Internet or modem connection
-NickServ- goes down while you're on IRC.
-NickServ- In order to use the GHOST command for a nick, your
-NickServ- current address as shown in /WHOIS must be on that nick's
-NickServ- access list, you must be identified and in the group of
-NickServ- that nick, or you must supply the correct password for
-NickServ- the nickname.
/msg NickServ HELP ALIST
-NickServ- Syntax: ALIST [level]
-NickServ- Lists all channels you have access on. Optionally, you can specify
-NickServ- a level in XOP or ACCESS format. The resulting list will only
-NickServ- include channels where you have the given level of access.
-NickServ- Examples:
-NickServ-     ALIST Founder
-NickServ-         Lists all channels where you have Founder
-NickServ-         access.
-NickServ-     ALIST AOP
-NickServ-         Lists all channels where you have AOP
-NickServ-         access or greater.
-NickServ-     ALIST 10
-NickServ-         Lists all channels where you have level 10
-NickServ-         access or greater.
-NickServ- Channels that have the NOEXPIRE option set will be
-NickServ- prefixed by an exclamation mark.
/msg NickServ HELP INFO
-NickServ- Syntax: INFO nickname [ALL]
-NickServ- Displays information about the given nickname, such as
-NickServ- the nick's owner, last seen address and time, and nick
-NickServ- options. If you are identified for the nick you're
-NickServ- getting information for and ALL is specified, you will
-NickServ- be shown all the information; regardless of whether
-NickServ- it's hidden or not.
/msg NickServ HELP LOGOUT
-NickServ- Syntax: LOGOUT
-NickServ- This reverses the effect of the IDENTIFY command, i.e.
-NickServ- make you not recognized as the real owner of the nick
-NickServ- anymore. Note, however, that you won't be asked to reidentify
-NickServ- yourself.
/msg NickServ HELP STATUS
-NickServ- Syntax: STATUS nickname...
-NickServ- Returns whether the user using the given nickname is
-NickServ- recognized as the owner of the nickname.  The response has
-NickServ- this format:
-NickServ-     nickname status-code
-NickServ- where nickname is the nickname sent with the command, and
-NickServ- status-code is one of the following:
-NickServ-     0 - no such user online or nickname not registered
-NickServ-     1 - user not recognized as nickname's owner
-NickServ-     2 - user recognized as owner via access list only
-NickServ-     3 - user recognized as owner via password identification
-NickServ- Up to sixteen nicknames may be sent with each command; the
-NickServ- rest will be ignored. If no nickname is given, your status
-NickServ- will be returned.
/msg NickServ HELP UPDATE
-NickServ- Syntax: UPDATE
-NickServ- Updates your current status, i.e. it checks for new memos,
-NickServ- sets needed chanmodes (ModeonID) and updates your vhost and
-NickServ- your userflags (lastseentime, etc).
/msg NickServ HELP AUTOOP
-NickServ- Syntax: AUTOOP [ON|OFF]
-NickServ- When set to OFF, this command will prevent ChanServ setting any
-NickServ- modes on you when you join any channel. This command requires
-NickServ- you to be identified.

@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ MemoServ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
/msg MemoServ HELP
-MemoServ- MemoServ is a utility allowing IRC users to send short
-MemoServ- messages to other IRC users, whether they are online at
-MemoServ- the time or not, or to channels(*).  Both the sender's
-MemoServ- nickname and the target nickname or channel must be
-MemoServ- registered in order to send a memo.
-MemoServ- MemoServ's commands include:
-MemoServ-     SEND   Send a memo to a nick or channel
-MemoServ-     CANCEL Cancel last memo you sent
-MemoServ-     LIST   List your memos
-MemoServ-     READ   Read a memo or memos
-MemoServ-     DEL    Delete a memo or memos
-MemoServ-     SET    Set options related to memos
-MemoServ-     INFO   Displays information about your memos
-MemoServ-     CHECK  Checks if last memo to a nick was read
-MemoServ- Type /msg MemoServ HELP command for help on any of the
-MemoServ- above commands.
-MemoServ- (*) By default, any user with at least level 10 access on a
-MemoServ-     channel can read that channel's memos.  This can be
-MemoServ-     changed with the ChanServ LEVELS command.
/msg MemoServ Help SEND
-MemoServ- Syntax: SEND {nick | channel} memo-text
-MemoServ- Sends the named nick or channel a memo containing
-MemoServ- memo-text.  When sending to a nickname, the recipient will
-MemoServ- receive a notice that he/she has a new memo.  The target
-MemoServ- nickname/channel must be registered.
/msg MemoServ Help CANCEL
-MemoServ- Syntax: CANCEL {nick | channel}
-MemoServ- Cancels the last memo you sent to the given nick or channel,
-MemoServ- provided it has not been read at the time you use the command.
/msg MemoServ Help LIST
-MemoServ- Syntax: LIST [channel] [list | NEW]
-MemoServ- Lists any memos you currently have.  With NEW, lists only
-MemoServ- new (unread) memos.  Unread memos are marked with a "*"
-MemoServ- to the left of the memo number.  You can also specify a list
-MemoServ- of numbers, as in the example below:
-MemoServ-    LIST 2-5,7-9
-MemoServ-       Lists memos numbered 2 through 5 and 7 through 9.
/msg MemoServ Help READ
-MemoServ- Syntax: READ [channel] {num | list | LAST | NEW}
-MemoServ- Sends you the text of the memos specified.  If LAST is
-MemoServ- given, sends you the memo you most recently received.  If
-MemoServ- NEW is given, sends you all of your new memos.  Otherwise,
-MemoServ- sends you memo number num.  You can also give a list of
-MemoServ- numbers, as in this example:
-MemoServ-    READ 2-5,7-9
-MemoServ-       Displays memos numbered 2 through 5 and 7 through 9.
/msg MemoServ Help DEL
-MemoServ- Syntax: DEL [channel] {num | list | LAST | ALL}
-MemoServ- Deletes the specified memo or memos.  You can supply
-MemoServ- multiple memo numbers or ranges of numbers instead of a
-MemoServ- single number, as in the second example below.
-MemoServ- If LAST is given, the last memo will be deleted.
-MemoServ- If ALL is given, deletes all of your memos.
-MemoServ- Examples:
-MemoServ-    DEL 1
-MemoServ-       Deletes your first memo.
-MemoServ-    DEL 2-5,7-9
-MemoServ-       Deletes memos numbered 2 through 5 and 7 through 9.
/msg MemoServ Help SET
-MemoServ- Syntax: SET option parameters
-MemoServ- Sets various memo options.  option can be one of:
-MemoServ-     NOTIFY      Changes when you will be notified about
-MemoServ-                     new memos (only for nicknames)
-MemoServ-     LIMIT       Sets the maximum number of memos you can
-MemoServ-                     receive
-MemoServ- Type /msg MemoServ HELP SET option for more information
-MemoServ- on a specific option.
-MemoServ- Syntax: SET NOTIFY {ON | LOGON | NEW | OFF}
-MemoServ- Changes when you will be notified about new memos:
-MemoServ-     ON      You will be notified of memos when you log on,
-MemoServ-                when you unset /AWAY, and when they are sent
-MemoServ-                to you.
-MemoServ-     LOGON   You will only be notified of memos when you log
-MemoServ-                on or when you unset /AWAY.
-MemoServ-     NEW     You will only be notified of memos when they
-MemoServ-                are sent to you.
-MemoServ-     OFF     You will not receive any notification of memos.
-MemoServ- ON is essentially LOGON and NEW combined.
/msg MemoServ HELP SET LIMIT
-MemoServ- Syntax: SET LIMIT [channel] limit
-MemoServ- Sets the maximum number of memos you (or the given channel)
-MemoServ- are allowed to have. If you set this to 0, no one will be
-MemoServ- able to send any memos to you.  However, you cannot set
-MemoServ- this any higher than 20.
/msg MemoServ Help INFO
-MemoServ- Syntax: INFO [channel]
-MemoServ- Displays information on the number of memos you have, how
-MemoServ- many of them are unread, and how many total memos you can
-MemoServ- receive.  With a parameter, displays the same information
-MemoServ- for the given channel.
/msg MemoServ Help CHECK
-MemoServ- Syntax: CHECK nick
-MemoServ- Checks whether the _last_ memo you sent to nick has been read
-MemoServ- or not. Note that this does only work with nicks, not with chans.

@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ ChanServ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
/msg ChanServ HELP
-ChanServ- ChanServ allows you to register and control various
-ChanServ- aspects of channels.  ChanServ can often prevent
-ChanServ- malicious users from "taking over" channels by limiting
-ChanServ- who is allowed channel operator privileges.  Available
-ChanServ- commands are listed below; to use them, type
-ChanServ- /msg ChanServ command.  For more information on a
-ChanServ- specific command, type /msg ChanServ HELP command.
-ChanServ-     REGISTER   Register a channel
-ChanServ-     IDENTIFY   Identify yourself with your password
-ChanServ-     SET        Set channel options and information
-ChanServ-     SOP        Modify the list of SOP users
-ChanServ-     AOP        Modify the list of AOP users
-ChanServ-     HOP        Maintains the HOP (HalfOP) list for a channel
-ChanServ-     VOP        Maintains the VOP (VOicePeople) list for a channel
-ChanServ-     ACCESS     Modify the list of privileged users
-ChanServ-     LEVELS     Redefine the meanings of access levels
-ChanServ-     AKICK      Maintain the AutoKick list
-ChanServ-     DROP       Cancel the registration of a channel
-ChanServ-     SENDPASS   Help retrieve lost passwords
-ChanServ-     BAN        Bans a selected nick on a channel
-ChanServ-     UNBAN      Remove all bans preventing you from entering a channel
-ChanServ-     CLEAR      Tells ChanServ to clear certain settings on a channel
-ChanServ-     OWNER      Gives you owner status on channel
-ChanServ-     DEOWNER    Removes your owner status on a channel
-ChanServ-     PROTECT    Protects a selected nick on a channel
-ChanServ-     DEPROTECT  Deprotects a selected nick on a channel
-ChanServ-     OP         Gives Op status to a selected nick on a channel
-ChanServ-     DEOP       Deops a selected nick on a channel
-ChanServ-     HALFOP     Halfops a selected nick on a channel
-ChanServ-     DEHALFOP   Dehalfops a selected nick on a channel
-ChanServ-     VOICE      Voices a selected nick on a channel
-ChanServ-     DEVOICE    Devoices a selected nick on a channel
-ChanServ-     GETKEY     Returns the key of the given channel
-ChanServ-     INVITE     Tells ChanServ to invite you or a given nick into a channel
-ChanServ-     KICK       Kicks a selected nick from a channel
-ChanServ-     LOGOUT     This command will logout the selected nickname
-ChanServ-     TOPIC      Manipulate the topic of the specified channel
-ChanServ-     INFO       Lists information about the named registered channel
-ChanServ-     APPENDTOPIC   Add text to a channels topic
-ChanServ-     ENFORCE    Enforce various channel modes and set options
-ChanServ- Note that any channel which is not used for 14 days
-ChanServ- (i.e. which no user on the channel's access list enters
-ChanServ- for that period of time) will be automatically dropped.
-ChanServ- Syntax: REGISTER channel password description
-ChanServ- Registers a channel in the ChanServ database.  In order
-ChanServ- to use this command, you must first be a channel operator
-ChanServ- on the channel you're trying to register.  The password
-ChanServ- is used with the IDENTIFY command to allow others to
-ChanServ- make changes to the channel settings at a later time.
-ChanServ- The last parameter, which must be included, is a
-ChanServ- general description of the channel's purpose.
-ChanServ- When you register a channel, you are recorded as the
-ChanServ- "founder" of the channel.  The channel founder is allowed
-ChanServ- to change all of the channel settings for the channel;
-ChanServ- ChanServ will also automatically give the founder
-ChanServ- channel-operator privileges when s/he enters the channel.
-ChanServ- See the ACCESS command (/msg ChanServ HELP ACCESS) for
-ChanServ- information on giving a subset of these privileges to
-ChanServ- other channel users.
-ChanServ- NOTICE: In order to register a channel, you must have
-ChanServ- first registered your nickname.  If you haven't,
-ChanServ- /msg NickServ HELP for information on how to do so.
-ChanServ- Syntax: IDENTIFY channel password
-ChanServ- Authenticates you to ChanServ as the founder of the given
-ChanServ- channel.  Many commands require you to use this command
-ChanServ- before using them.  The password should be the same one
-ChanServ- you sent with the REGISTER command.
/msg ChanServ HELP SET
-ChanServ- Syntax: SET channel option parameters
-ChanServ- Allows the channel founder to set various channel options
-ChanServ- and other information.
-ChanServ- Available options:
-ChanServ-     FOUNDER       Set the founder of a channel
-ChanServ-     SUCCESSOR     Set the successor for a channel
-ChanServ-     PASSWORD      Set the founder password
-ChanServ-     DESC          Set the channel description
-ChanServ-     URL           Associate a URL with the channel
-ChanServ-     EMAIL         Associate an E-mail address with the channel
-ChanServ-     ENTRYMSG      Set a message to be sent to users when they
-ChanServ-                      enter the channel
-ChanServ-     BANTYPE       Set how Services make bans on the channel
-ChanServ-     MLOCK         Lock channel modes on or off
-ChanServ-     KEEPTOPIC     Retain topic when channel is not in use
-ChanServ-     OPNOTICE      Send a notice when OP/DEOP commands are used
-ChanServ-     PEACE         Regulate the use of critical commands
-ChanServ-     PRIVATE       Hide channel from LIST command
-ChanServ-     RESTRICTED    Restrict access to the channel
-ChanServ-     SECURE        Activate ChanServ security features
-ChanServ-     SECUREOPS     Stricter control of chanop status
-ChanServ-     SECUREFOUNDER Stricter control of channel founder status
-ChanServ-     SIGNKICK      Sign kicks that are done with KICK command
-ChanServ-     TOPICLOCK     Topic can only be changed with TOPIC
-ChanServ-     XOP           Toggle the user privilege system
-ChanServ- Type /msg ChanServ HELP SET option for more information on a
-ChanServ- particular option.
-ChanServ- Syntax: SET channel FOUNDER nick
-ChanServ- Changes the founder of a channel.  The new nickname must
-ChanServ- be a registered one.
-ChanServ- Syntax: SET channel SUCCESSOR nick
-ChanServ- Changes the successor of a channel.  If the founder's
-ChanServ- nickname expires or is dropped while the channel is still
-ChanServ- registered, the successor will become the new founder of the
-ChanServ- channel.  However, if the successor already has too many
-ChanServ- channels registered (100), the channel will be dropped
-ChanServ- instead, just as if no successor had been set.  The new
-ChanServ- nickname must be a registered one.
-ChanServ- Syntax: SET channel PASSWORD password
-ChanServ- Sets the password used to identify as the founder of the
-ChanServ- channel.
/msg ChanServ HELP SET DESC
-ChanServ- Syntax: SET channel DESC description
-ChanServ- Sets the description for the channel, which shows up with
-ChanServ- the LIST and INFO commands.
/msg ChanServ HELP SET URL
-ChanServ- Syntax: SET channel URL [url]
-ChanServ- Associates the given URL with the channel.  This URL will
-ChanServ- be displayed whenever someone requests information on the
-ChanServ- channel with the INFO command.  If no parameter is given,
-ChanServ- deletes any current URL for the channel.
/msg ChanServ HELP SET EMAIL
-ChanServ- Syntax: SET channel EMAIL [address]
-ChanServ- Associates the given E-mail address with the channel.
-ChanServ- This address will be displayed whenever someone requests
-ChanServ- information on the channel with the INFO command.  If no
-ChanServ- parameter is given, deletes any current E-mail address for
-ChanServ- the channel.
-ChanServ- Syntax: SET channel ENTRYMSG [message]
-ChanServ- Sets the message which will be sent via /notice to users
-ChanServ- when they enter the channel.  If no parameter is given,
-ChanServ- causes no message to be sent upon entering the channel.
-ChanServ- Syntax: SET channel BANTYPE bantype
-ChanServ- Sets the ban type that will be used by services whenever
-ChanServ- they need to ban someone from your channel.
-ChanServ- bantype is a number between 0 and 3 that means:
-ChanServ- 0: ban in the form *!user@host
-ChanServ- 1: ban in the form *!*user@host
-ChanServ- 2: ban in the form *!*@host
-ChanServ- 3: ban in the form *!*user@*.domain
/msg ChanServ HELP SET MLOCK
-ChanServ- Syntax: SET channel MLOCK modes
-ChanServ- Sets the mode-lock parameter for the channel. ChanServ
-ChanServ- allows you to define certain channel modes to be always
-ChanServ- on, off or free to be either on or off.
-ChanServ- The modes parameter is constructed exactly the same way
-ChanServ- as a /MODE command; that is, modes followed by a + are
-ChanServ- locked on, and modes followed by a - are locked off. Note,
-ChanServ- however, that unlike the /MODE command, each use of
-ChanServ- SET MLOCK will remove all modes previously locked before
-ChanServ- setting the new!
-ChanServ- Warning:  If you set a mode-locked key, as in the second
-ChanServ- example below, you should also set the RESTRICTED option for
-ChanServ- the channel (see HELP SET RESTRICTED), or anyone entering
-ChanServ- the channel when it is empty will be able to see the key!
-ChanServ- Examples:
-ChanServ-     SET #channel MLOCK +nt-iklps
-ChanServ-         Forces modes n and t on, and modes i, k, l, p, and
-ChanServ-         s off.  Mode m is left free to be either on or off.
-ChanServ-     SET #channel MLOCK +knst-ilmp my-key
-ChanServ-         Forces modes k, n, s, and t on, and modes i, l, m,
-ChanServ-         and p off.  Also forces the channel key to be
-ChanServ-         "my-key".
-ChanServ-     SET #channel MLOCK +
-ChanServ-         Removes the mode lock; all channel modes are free
-ChanServ-         to be either on or off.
-ChanServ- Syntax: SET channel KEEPTOPIC {ON | OFF}
-ChanServ- Enables or disables the topic retention option for a
-ChanServ- channel.  When topic retention is set, the topic for the
-ChanServ- channel will be remembered by ChanServ even after the
-ChanServ- last user leaves the channel, and will be restored the
-ChanServ- next time the channel is created.
-ChanServ- Syntax: SET channel OPNOTICE {ON | OFF}
-ChanServ- Enables or disables the op-notice option for a channel.
-ChanServ- When op-notice is set, ChanServ will send a notice to the
-ChanServ- channel whenever the OP or DEOP commands are used for a user
-ChanServ- in the channel.
/msg ChanServ HELP SET PEACE
-ChanServ- Syntax: SET channel PEACE {ON | OFF}
-ChanServ- Enables or disables the peace option for a channel.
-ChanServ- When peace is set, an user won't be able to kick,
-ChanServ- ban or remove a channel status of an user that has
-ChanServ- a level superior or equal to his via ChanServ commands.
-ChanServ- Syntax: SET channel PRIVATE {ON | OFF}
-ChanServ- Enables or disables the private option for a channel.
-ChanServ- When private is set, a /msg ChanServ LIST will not
-ChanServ- include the channel in any lists.
-ChanServ- Syntax: SET channel RESTRICTED {ON | OFF}
-ChanServ- Enables or disables the restricted access option for a
-ChanServ- channel.  When restricted access is set, users who would
-ChanServ- normally be disallowed from having channel operator
-ChanServ- privileges (users with negative access levels and, if
-ChanServ- secure ops is set, users not on the access list) will
-ChanServ- instead be kicked and banned from the channel.
-ChanServ- Syntax: SET channel SECURE {ON | OFF}
-ChanServ- Enables or disables ChanServ's security features for a
-ChanServ- channel.  When SECURE is set, only users who have
-ChanServ- registered their nicknames with NickServ and IDENTIFY'd
-ChanServ- with their password will be given access to the channel
-ChanServ- as controlled by the access list.
-ChanServ- Syntax: SET channel SECUREOPS {ON | OFF}
-ChanServ- Enables or disables the secure ops option for a channel.
-ChanServ- When secure ops is set, users who are not on the userlist
-ChanServ- will not be allowed chanop status.
-ChanServ- Syntax: SET channel SECUREFOUNDER {ON | OFF}
-ChanServ- Enables or disables the secure founder option for a channel.
-ChanServ- When secure founder is set, only the real founder will be
-ChanServ- able to drop the channel, change its password, its founder and its
-ChanServ- successor, and not those who are IDENTIFY'd with ChanServ.
-ChanServ- Syntax: SET channel SIGNKICK {ON | LEVEL | OFF}
-ChanServ- Enables or disables signed kicks for a
-ChanServ- channel.  When SIGNKICK is set, kicks issued with
-ChanServ- ChanServ KICK command will have the nick that used the
-ChanServ- command in their reason.
-ChanServ- If you use LEVEL, those who have a level that is superior
-ChanServ- or equal to the SIGNKICK level on the channel won't have their
-ChanServ- kicks signed. See /msg ChanServ HELP LEVELS for more information.
-ChanServ- Syntax: SET channel TOPICLOCK {ON | OFF}
-ChanServ- Enables or disables the topic lock option for a channel.
-ChanServ- When topic lock is set, ChanServ will not allow the
-ChanServ- channel topic to be changed except via the TOPIC
-ChanServ- command.
/msg ChanServ HELP SET XOP
-ChanServ- Syntax: SET channel XOP {ON | OFF}
-ChanServ- Enables or disables the xOP lists system for a channel.
-ChanServ- When XOP is set, you have to use the AOP/SOP/VOP
-ChanServ- commands in order to give channel privileges to
-ChanServ- users, else you have to use the ACCESS command.
-ChanServ- Technical Note: when you switch from access list to xOP
-ChanServ- lists system, your level definitions and user levels will be
-ChanServ- changed, so you won't find the same values if you
-ChanServ- switch back to access system!
-ChanServ- You should also check that your users are in the good xOP
-ChanServ- list after the switch from access to xOP lists, because the
-ChanServ- guess is not always perfect... in fact, it is not recommended
-ChanServ- to use the xOP lists if you changed level definitions with
-ChanServ- the LEVELS command.
-ChanServ- Switching from xOP lists system to access list system
-ChanServ- causes no problem though.
/msg ChanServ HELP SOP
-ChanServ- Syntax: SOP channel ADD nick
-ChanServ-         SOP channel DEL {nick | entry-num | list}
-ChanServ-         SOP channel LIST [mask | list]
-ChanServ-         SOP channel CLEAR
-ChanServ- Maintains the SOP (SuperOP) list for a channel. The SOP
-ChanServ- list gives users all rights given by the AOP list, and adds
-ChanServ- those needed to use the AutoKick and the BadWords lists,
-ChanServ- to send and read channel memos, and so on.
-ChanServ- The SOP ADD command adds the given nickname to the
-ChanServ- SOP list.
-ChanServ- The SOP DEL command removes the given nick from the
-ChanServ- SOP list.  If a list of entry numbers is given, those
-ChanServ- entries are deleted.  (See the example for LIST below.)
-ChanServ- The SOP LIST command displays the SOP list.  If
-ChanServ- a wildcard mask is given, only those entries matching the
-ChanServ- mask are displayed.  If a list of entry numbers is given,
-ChanServ- only those entries are shown; for example:
-ChanServ-    SOP #channel LIST 2-5,7-9
-ChanServ-       Lists AOP entries numbered 2 through 5 and
-ChanServ-       7 through 9.
-ChanServ- The SOP CLEAR command clears all entries of the
-ChanServ- SOP list.
-ChanServ- The SOP ADD, SOP DEL and SOP CLEAR commands are
-ChanServ- limited to the channel founder. However, any user on the
-ChanServ- AOP list may use the SOP LIST command.
-ChanServ- This command may have been disabled for your channel, and
-ChanServ- in that case you need to use the access list. See
-ChanServ- /msg ChanServ HELP ACCESS for information about the access list,
-ChanServ- and /msg ChanServ HELP SET XOP to know how to toggle between
-ChanServ- the access list and xOP list systems.
/msg ChanServ HELP AOP
-ChanServ- Syntax: AOP channel ADD nick
-ChanServ-         AOP channel DEL {nick | entry-num | list}
-ChanServ-         AOP channel LIST [mask | list]
-ChanServ-         AOP channel CLEAR
-ChanServ- Maintains the AOP (AutoOP) list for a channel. The AOP
-ChanServ- list gives users the right to be auto-opped on your channel,
-ChanServ- to unban or invite themselves if needed, to have their
-ChanServ- greet message showed on join, and so on.
-ChanServ- The AOP ADD command adds the given nickname to the
-ChanServ- AOP list.
-ChanServ- The AOP DEL command removes the given nick from the
-ChanServ- AOP list.  If a list of entry numbers is given, those
-ChanServ- entries are deleted.  (See the example for LIST below.)
-ChanServ- The AOP LIST command displays the AOP list.  If
-ChanServ- a wildcard mask is given, only those entries matching the
-ChanServ- mask are displayed.  If a list of entry numbers is given,
-ChanServ- only those entries are shown; for example:
-ChanServ-    AOP #channel LIST 2-5,7-9
-ChanServ-       Lists AOP entries numbered 2 through 5 and
-ChanServ-       7 through 9.
-ChanServ- The AOP CLEAR command clears all entries of the
-ChanServ- AOP list.
-ChanServ- The AOP ADD and AOP DEL commands are limited to
-ChanServ- SOPs or above, while the AOP CLEAR command can only
-ChanServ- be used by the channel founder. However, any user on the
-ChanServ- AOP list may use the AOP LIST command.
-ChanServ- This command may have been disabled for your channel, and
-ChanServ- in that case you need to use the access list. See
-ChanServ- /msg ChanServ HELP ACCESS for information about the access list,
-ChanServ- and /msg ChanServ HELP SET XOP to know how to toggle between
-ChanServ- the access list and xOP list systems.
/msg ChanServ HELP HOP
-ChanServ- Syntax: HOP channel ADD nick
-ChanServ-         HOP channel DEL {nick | entry-num | list}
-ChanServ-         HOP channel LIST [mask | list]
-ChanServ-         HOP channel CLEAR
-ChanServ- Maintains the HOP (HalfOP) list for a channel. The HOP
-ChanServ- list gives users the right to be auto-halfopped on your
-ChanServ- channel.
-ChanServ- The HOP ADD command adds the given nickname to the
-ChanServ- HOP list.
-ChanServ- The HOP DEL command removes the given nick from the
-ChanServ- HOP list.  If a list of entry numbers is given, those
-ChanServ- entries are deleted.  (See the example for LIST below.)
-ChanServ- The HOP LIST command displays the HOP list.  If
-ChanServ- a wildcard mask is given, only those entries matching the
-ChanServ- mask are displayed.  If a list of entry numbers is given,
-ChanServ- only those entries are shown; for example:
-ChanServ-    HOP #channel LIST 2-5,7-9
-ChanServ-       Lists HOP entries numbered 2 through 5 and
-ChanServ-       7 through 9.
-ChanServ- The HOP CLEAR command clears all entries of the
-ChanServ- HOP list.
-ChanServ- The HOP ADD, HOP DEL and HOP LIST commands are
-ChanServ- limited to AOPs or above, while the HOP CLEAR command
-ChanServ- can only be used by the channel founder.
-ChanServ- This command may have been disabled for your channel, and
-ChanServ- in that case you need to use the access list. See
-ChanServ- /msg ChanServ HELP ACCESS for information about the access list,
-ChanServ- and /msg ChanServ HELP SET XOP to know how to toggle between
-ChanServ- the access list and xOP list systems.
/msg ChanServ HELP VOP
-ChanServ- Syntax: VOP channel ADD nick
-ChanServ-         VOP channel DEL {nick | entry-num | list}
-ChanServ-         VOP channel LIST [mask | list]
-ChanServ-         VOP channel CLEAR
-ChanServ- Maintains the VOP (VOicePeople) list for a channel. 
-ChanServ- The VOP list allows users to be auto-voiced and to voice
-ChanServ- themselves if they aren't.
-ChanServ- The VOP ADD command adds the given nickname to the
-ChanServ- VOP list.
-ChanServ- The VOP DEL command removes the given nick from the
-ChanServ- VOP list.  If a list of entry numbers is given, those
-ChanServ- entries are deleted.  (See the example for LIST below.)
-ChanServ- The VOP LIST command displays the VOP list.  If
-ChanServ- a wildcard mask is given, only those entries matching the
-ChanServ- mask are displayed.  If a list of entry numbers is given,
-ChanServ- only those entries are shown; for example:
-ChanServ-    VOP #channel LIST 2-5,7-9
-ChanServ-       Lists VOP entries numbered 2 through 5 and
-ChanServ-       7 through 9.
-ChanServ- The VOP CLEAR command clears all entries of the
-ChanServ- VOP list.
-ChanServ- The VOP ADD, VOP DEL and VOP LIST commands are
-ChanServ- limited to AOPs or above, while the VOP CLEAR command
-ChanServ- can only be used by the channel founder.
-ChanServ- This command may have been disabled for your channel, and
-ChanServ- in that case you need to use the access list. See
-ChanServ- /msg ChanServ HELP ACCESS for information about the access list,
-ChanServ- and /msg ChanServ HELP SET XOP to know how to toggle between
-ChanServ- the access list and xOP list systems.
/msg ChanServ HELP ACCESS
-ChanServ- Syntax: ACCESS channel ADD nick level
-ChanServ-         ACCESS channel DEL {nick | entry-num | list}
-ChanServ-         ACCESS channel LIST [mask | list]
-ChanServ-         ACCESS channel CLEAR
-ChanServ- Maintains the access list for a channel.  The access
-ChanServ- list specifies which users are allowed chanop status or
-ChanServ- access to ChanServ commands on the channel.  Different
-ChanServ- user levels allow for access to different subsets of
-ChanServ- privileges; /msg ChanServ HELP ACCESS LEVELS for more
-ChanServ- specific information.  Any nick not on the access list has
-ChanServ- a user level of 0.
-ChanServ- The ACCESS ADD command adds the given nickname to the
-ChanServ- access list with the given user level; if the nick is
-ChanServ- already present on the list, its access level is changed to
-ChanServ- the level specified in the command.  The level specified
-ChanServ- must be less than that of the user giving the command, and
-ChanServ- if the nick is already on the access list, the current
-ChanServ- access level of that nick must be less than the access level
-ChanServ- of the user giving the command.
-ChanServ- The ACCESS DEL command removes the given nick from the
-ChanServ- access list.  If a list of entry numbers is given, those
-ChanServ- entries are deleted.  (See the example for LIST below.)
-ChanServ- The ACCESS LIST command displays the access list.  If
-ChanServ- a wildcard mask is given, only those entries matching the
-ChanServ- mask are displayed.  If a list of entry numbers is given,
-ChanServ- only those entries are shown; for example:
-ChanServ-    ACCESS #channel LIST 2-5,7-9
-ChanServ-       Lists access entries numbered 2 through 5 and
-ChanServ-       7 through 9.
-ChanServ- The ACCESS CLEAR command clears all entries of the
-ChanServ- access list.
-ChanServ- User access levels
-ChanServ- By default, the following access levels are defined:
-ChanServ-    Founder   Full access to ChanServ functions; automatic
-ChanServ-                      opping upon entering channel.  Note
-ChanServ-                      that only one person may have founder
-ChanServ-                      status (it cannot be given using the
-ChanServ-                      ACCESS command).
-ChanServ-         10   Access to AKICK command; automatic opping.
-ChanServ-          5   Automatic opping.
-ChanServ-          3   Automatic voicing.
-ChanServ-          0   No special privileges; can be opped by other
-ChanServ-                      ops (unless secure-ops is set).
-ChanServ-         <0   May not be opped.
-ChanServ- These levels may be changed, or new ones added, using the
-ChanServ- LEVELS command; type /msg ChanServ HELP LEVELS for
-ChanServ- information.
/msg ChanServ HELP LEVELS
-ChanServ- Syntax: LEVELS channel SET type level
-ChanServ-         LEVELS channel {DIS | DISABLE} type
-ChanServ-         LEVELS channel LIST
-ChanServ-         LEVELS channel RESET
-ChanServ- The LEVELS command allows fine control over the meaning of
-ChanServ- the numeric access levels used for channels.  With this
-ChanServ- command, you can define the access level required for most
-ChanServ- of ChanServ's functions.  (The SET FOUNDER and SET PASSWORD
-ChanServ- commands, as well as this command, are always restricted to
-ChanServ- the channel founder.)
-ChanServ- LEVELS SET allows the access level for a function or group of
-ChanServ- functions to be changed.  LEVELS DISABLE (or DIS for short)
-ChanServ- disables an automatic feature or disallows access to a
-ChanServ- function by anyone other than the channel founder.
-ChanServ- LEVELS LIST shows the current levels for each function or
-ChanServ- group of functions.  LEVELS RESET resets the levels to the
-ChanServ- default levels of a newly-created channel (see
-ChanServ- For a list of the features and functions whose levels can be
-ChanServ- set, see HELP LEVELS DESC.
/msg ChanServ HELP AKICK
-ChanServ- Syntax: AKICK channel ADD mask [reason]
-ChanServ-         AKICK channel STICK mask
-ChanServ-         AKICK channel UNSTICK mask
-ChanServ-         AKICK channel DEL mask
-ChanServ-         AKICK channel LIST [mask]
-ChanServ-         AKICK channel VIEW [mask]
-ChanServ-         AKICK channel ENFORCE
-ChanServ-         AKICK channel CLEAR
-ChanServ- Maintains the AutoKick list for a channel.  If a user
-ChanServ- on the AutoKick list attempts to join the channel,
-ChanServ- ChanServ will ban that user from the channel, then kick
-ChanServ- the user.
-ChanServ- The AKICK ADD command adds the given nick or usermask
-ChanServ- to the AutoKick list.  If a reason is given with
-ChanServ- the command, that reason will be used when the user is
-ChanServ- kicked; if not, the default reason is "You have been
-ChanServ- banned from the channel".
-ChanServ- The AKICK STICK command permanently bans the given mask
-ChanServ- on the channel. If someone tries to remove the ban, ChanServ
-ChanServ- will automatically set it again. You can't use it for
-ChanServ- registered nicks.
-ChanServ- The AKICK UNSTICK command cancels the effect of the
-ChanServ- AKICK STICK command, so you'll be able to unset the
-ChanServ- ban again on the channel.
-ChanServ- The AKICK DEL command removes the given nick or mask
-ChanServ- from the AutoKick list.  It does not, however, remove any
-ChanServ- bans placed by an AutoKick; those must be removed
-ChanServ- manually.
-ChanServ- The AKICK LIST command displays the AutoKick list, or
-ChanServ- optionally only those AutoKick entries which match the
-ChanServ- given mask.
-ChanServ- The AKICK VIEW command is a more verbose version of
-ChanServ- AKICK LIST command.
-ChanServ- The AKICK ENFORCE command causes ChanServ to enforce the
-ChanServ- current AKICK list by removing those users who match an
-ChanServ- AKICK mask.
-ChanServ- The AKICK CLEAR command clears all entries of the
-ChanServ- akick list.
/msg ChanServ HELP DROP
-ChanServ- Syntax: DROP channel
-ChanServ- Unregisters the named channel.  Can only be used by
-ChanServ- channel founder, who must use the IDENTIFY command first.
-ChanServ- Syntax: SENDPASS channel
-ChanServ- Send the password of the given channel to the e-mail address
-ChanServ- set in the founder's nickname record. This command is really
-ChanServ- useful to deal with lost passwords.
-ChanServ- May be limited to IRC operators on certain networks.
-ChanServ- This command is unavailable when encryption is enabled.
/msg ChanServ HELP BAN
-ChanServ- Syntax: BAN [#channel [nick [reason]]]
-ChanServ- Bans a selected nick on a channel. If nick is not given,
-ChanServ- it will ban you. If channel and nick are not given,
-ChanServ- it will ban you on all channels you're on, provided you
-ChanServ- have the rights to.
-ChanServ- By default, limited to AOPs or those with level 5 access
-ChanServ- and above on the channel.
/msg ChanServ HELP UNBAN
-ChanServ- Syntax: UNBAN channel
-ChanServ- Tells ChanServ to remove all bans preventing you from
-ChanServ- entering the given channel. 
-ChanServ- By default, limited to AOPs or those with level 5 and above
-ChanServ- on the channel.
/msg ChanServ HELP CLEAR
-ChanServ- Syntax: CLEAR channel what
-ChanServ- Tells ChanServ to clear certain settings on a channel.  what
-ChanServ- can be any of the following:
-ChanServ-      MODES    Resets all modes on the channel (i.e. clears
-ChanServ-                   modes i,k,l,m,n,p,s,t).
-ChanServ-      BANS     Clears all bans on the channel.
-ChanServ-      EXCEPTS  Clears all excepts on the channel.
-ChanServ-      OPS      Removes channel-operator status (mode +o) from
-ChanServ-                   all channel operators.
-ChanServ-      HOPS     Removes channel-halfoperator status (mode +h) from
-ChanServ-                   all channel halfoperators, if supported.
-ChanServ-      VOICES   Removes "voice" status (mode +v) from anyone
-ChanServ-                   with that mode set.
-ChanServ-      USERS    Removes (kicks) all users from the channel.
-ChanServ- By default, limited to those with founder access on the
-ChanServ- channel.
/msg ChanServ HELP OWNER
-ChanServ- Syntax: OWNER [#channel]
-ChanServ- Gives you owner status on channel. If channel is not
-ChanServ- given, it will give you owner status on all channels you're
-ChanServ- on, provided you have the rights to.
-ChanServ- Limited to those with founder access on the channel.
/msg ChanServ HELP DEOWNER
-ChanServ- Syntax: DEOWNER [#channel]
-ChanServ- Removes your owner status on channel. If channel is
-ChanServ- not given, it will remove your owner status on all channels
-ChanServ- you're on, provided you have the rights to.
-ChanServ- Limited to those with founder access on the channel.
/msg ChanServ HELP PROTECT
-ChanServ- Syntax: PROTECT [#channel [nick]]
-ChanServ- Protects a selected nick on a channel. If nick is not given,
-ChanServ- it will protect you. If channel and nick are not given,
-ChanServ- it will protect you on all channels you're on, provided you
-ChanServ- have the rights to.
-ChanServ- By default, limited to the founder, or to SOPs or those with
-ChanServ- level 10 and above on the channel for self protecting.
-ChanServ- Syntax: DEPROTECT [#channel [nick]]
-ChanServ- Deprotects a selected nick on a channel. If nick is not given,
-ChanServ- it will deprotect you. If channel and nick are not given,
-ChanServ- it will deprotect you on all channels you're on, provided you
-ChanServ- have the rights to.
-ChanServ- By default, limited to the founder, or to SOPs or those with
-ChanServ- level 10 and above on the channel for self deprotecting.
/msg ChanServ HELP OP
-ChanServ- Syntax: OP [#channel [nick]]
-ChanServ- Ops a selected nick on a channel. If nick is not given,
-ChanServ- it will op you. If channel and nick are not given,
-ChanServ- it will op you on all channels you're on, provided you
-ChanServ- have the rights to.
-ChanServ- By default, limited to AOPs or those with level 5 access
-ChanServ- and above on the channel.
/msg ChanServ HELP DEOP
-ChanServ- Syntax: DEOP [#channel [nick]]
-ChanServ- Deops a selected nick on a channel. If nick is not given,
-ChanServ- it will deop you. If channel and nick are not given,
-ChanServ- it will deop you on all channels you're on, provided you
-ChanServ- have the rights to.
-ChanServ- By default, limited to AOPs or those with level 5 access
-ChanServ- and above on the channel.
/msg ChanServ HELP HALFOP
-ChanServ- Syntax: HALFOP [#channel [nick]]
-ChanServ- Halfops a selected nick on a channel. If nick is not given,
-ChanServ- it will halfop you. If channel and nick are not given,
-ChanServ- it will halfop you on all channels you're on, provided you
-ChanServ- have the rights to.
-ChanServ- By default, limited to AOPs and those with level 5 access
-ChanServ- and above on the channel, or to HOPs or those with level 4
-ChanServ- and above for self halfopping.
-ChanServ- Syntax: DEHALFOP [#channel [nick]]
-ChanServ- Dehalfops a selected nick on a channel. If nick is not given,
-ChanServ- it will dehalfop you. If channel and nick are not given,
-ChanServ- it will dehalfop you on all channels you're on, provided you
-ChanServ- have the rights to.
-ChanServ- By default, limited to AOPs and those with level 5 access
-ChanServ- and above on the channel, or to HOPs or those with level 4
-ChanServ- and above for self dehalfopping.
/msg ChanServ HELP VOICE
-ChanServ- Syntax: VOICE [#channel [nick]]
-ChanServ- Voices a selected nick on a channel. If nick is not given,
-ChanServ- it will voice you. If channel and nick are not given,
-ChanServ- it will voice you on all channels you're on, provided you
-ChanServ- have the rights to.
-ChanServ- By default, limited to AOPs or those with level 5 access
-ChanServ- and above on the channel, or to VOPs or those with level 3
-ChanServ- and above for self voicing.
/msg ChanServ HELP DEVOICE
-ChanServ- Syntax: DEVOICE [#channel [nick]]
-ChanServ- Devoices a selected nick on a channel. If nick is not given,
-ChanServ- it will devoice you. If channel and nick are not given,
-ChanServ- it will devoice you on all channels you're on, provided you
-ChanServ- have the rights to.
-ChanServ- By default, limited to AOPs or those with level 5 access
-ChanServ- and above on the channel, or to VOPs or those with level 3
-ChanServ- and above for self devoicing.
/msg ChanServ HELP GETKEY
-ChanServ- Syntax: GETKEY channel
-ChanServ- Returns the key of the given channel. This is a command
-ChanServ- mainly intended to be used by bots and/or scripts, so
-ChanServ- the output is in the following way:
-ChanServ- KEY <channel> <key>
-ChanServ- key is "NO KEY" if no key is set.
/msg ChanServ HELP INVITE
-ChanServ- Syntax: INVITE channel
-ChanServ- Tells ChanServ to invite you into the given channel. 
-ChanServ- By default, limited to AOPs or those with level 5 and above
-ChanServ- on the channel.
/msg ChanServ HELP KICK
-ChanServ- Syntax: KICK [#channel [nick [reason]]]
-ChanServ- Kicks a selected nick on a channel. If nick is not given,
-ChanServ- it will kick you. If channel and nick are not given,
-ChanServ- it will kick you on all channels you're on, provided you
-ChanServ- have the rights to.
-ChanServ- By default, limited to AOPs or those with level 5 access
-ChanServ- and above on the channel.
/msg ChanServ HELP LOGOUT
-ChanServ- Syntax: LOGOUT channel nickname
-ChanServ- This command will log the selected nickname out meaning they
-ChanServ- would have to reidentify themselves to regain their access.
-ChanServ- If you are the founder of the channel, you can log out anybody,
-ChanServ- else you can only log out yourself.
/msg ChanServ HELP TOPIC
-ChanServ- Syntax: TOPIC channel [topic]
-ChanServ- Causes ChanServ to set the channel topic to the one
-ChanServ- specified. If topic is not given, then an empty topic
-ChanServ- is set. This command is most useful in conjunction
-ChanServ- with SET TOPICLOCK. See /msg ChanServ HELP SET TOPICLOCK
-ChanServ- for more information.
-ChanServ- By default, limited to those with founder access on the
-ChanServ- channel.
/msg ChanServ HELP INFO
-ChanServ- Syntax: INFO channel [ALL]
-ChanServ- Lists information about the named registered channel,
-ChanServ- including its founder, time of registration, last time
-ChanServ- used, description, and mode lock, if any. If ALL is
-ChanServ- specified, the entry message and successor will also
-ChanServ- be displayed.
-ChanServ- By default, the ALL option is limited to those with
-ChanServ- founder access on the channel.
-ChanServ- Syntax: APPENDTOPIC channel text
-ChanServ- This command allows users to append text to a currently set
-ChanServ- channel topic. When TOPICLOCK is on, the topic is updated and
-ChanServ- the new, updated topic is locked.
/msg ChanServ HELP ENFORCE
-ChanServ- Syntax: ENFORCE channel [what]
-ChanServ- Enforce various channel modes and set options. The channel
-ChanServ- option indicates what channel to enforce the modes and options
-ChanServ- on. The what option indicates what modes and options to
-ChanServ- enforce, and can be any of SET, SECUREOPS, RESTRICTED, MODES,
-ChanServ- or +R. When left out, it defaults to SET.
-ChanServ- If what is SET, it will enforce SECUREOPS and RESTRICTED
-ChanServ- on the users currently in the channel, if they are set. Give
-ChanServ- SECUREOPS to enforce the SECUREOPS option, even if it is not
-ChanServ- enabled. Use RESTRICTED to enfore the RESTRICTED option, also
-ChanServ- if it's not enabled.
-ChanServ- If what is MODES, it will enforce channelmode +R if it is
-ChanServ- set. If +R is specified for what, the +R channelmode will
-ChanServ- also be enforced, but even if it is not set. If it is not set,
-ChanServ- users will be banned to ensure they don't just rejoin.

@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ HelpServ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
/msg HelpServ Help
-HelpServ- HelpServ is a service designed to give out information on
-HelpServ- Services.  Help topics are accessible via
-HelpServ- the HELP commands of the other Services clients:
-HelpServ- /msg NickServ HELP
-HelpServ-      for information on registering nicknames
-HelpServ- /msg ChanServ HELP
-HelpServ-      for information on registering and controlling
-HelpServ-      channels
-HelpServ- /msg MemoServ HELP
-HelpServ-      for information on sending messages to off-line users
-HelpServ- /msg BotServ HELP
-HelpServ-      for information on setting up a bot on your channel
-HelpServ- /msg HostServ HELP
-HelpServ-      for information on setting up nick vHosts

@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@  BotServ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
/msg BotServ HELP
-BotServ- BotServ allows you to have a bot on your own channel.
-BotServ- It has been created for users that can't host or
-BotServ- configure a bot, or for use on networks that don't
-BotServ- allow users' bot. Available commands are listed
-BotServ- below; to use them, type /msg BotServ command.  For
-BotServ- more information on a specific command, type /msg
-BotServ- BotServ HELP command.
-BotServ-     BOTLIST        Lists available bots
-BotServ-     ASSIGN         Assigns a bot to a channel
-BotServ-     SET            Configures bot options
-BotServ-     KICK           Configures kickers
-BotServ-     BADWORDS       Maintains bad words list
-BotServ-     ACT            Makes the bot do the equivalent of a "/me" command
-BotServ-     INFO           Allows you to see BotServ information about a channel or a bot
-BotServ-     SAY            Makes the bot say the given text on the given channel
-BotServ-     UNASSIGN       Unassigns a bot from a channel
-BotServ- Bot will join a channel whenever there is at least
-BotServ- 1 user(s) on it.
-BotServ- Syntax: BOTLIST
-BotServ- Lists all available bots on this network.
/msg BotServ HELP ASSIGN
-BotServ- Syntax: ASSIGN chan nick
-BotServ- Assigns a bot pointed out by nick to the channel chan. You
-BotServ- can then configure the bot for the channel so it fits
-BotServ- your needs. 
/msg BotServ HELP SET
-BotServ- Syntax: SET channel option parameters
-BotServ- Configures bot options.  option can be one of:
-BotServ-     DONTKICKOPS      To protect ops against bot kicks
-BotServ-     DONTKICKVOICES   To protect voices against bot kicks
-BotServ-     GREET            Enable greet messages
-BotServ-     FANTASY          Enable fantaisist commands
-BotServ-     SYMBIOSIS        Allow the bot to act as a real bot
-BotServ- Type /msg BotServ HELP SET option for more information
-BotServ- on a specific option.
-BotServ- Note: access to this command is controlled by the
-BotServ- level SET.
-BotServ- Syntax: SET channel DONTKICKOPS {ON|OFF}
-BotServ- Enables or disables ops protection mode on a channel.
-BotServ- When it is enabled, ops won't be kicked by the bot
-BotServ- even if they don't match the NOKICK level.
-BotServ- Syntax: SET channel DONTKICKVOICES {ON|OFF}
-BotServ- Enables or disables voices protection mode on a channel.
-BotServ- When it is enabled, voices won't be kicked by the bot
-BotServ- even if they don't match the NOKICK level.
-BotServ- Syntax: SET channel GREET {ON|OFF}
-BotServ- Enables or disables greet mode on a channel.
-BotServ- When it is enabled, the bot will display greet
-BotServ- messages of users joining the channel, provided
-BotServ- they have enough access to the channel.
-BotServ- Syntax: SET channel FANTASY {ON|OFF}
-BotServ- Enables or disables fantasy mode on a channel.
-BotServ- When it is enabled, users will be able to use
-BotServ- commands !op, !deop, !voice, !devoice,
-BotServ- !kick, !kb, !unban, !seen on a channel (find how
-BotServ- to use them; try with or without nick for each,
-BotServ- and with a reason for some?).
-BotServ- Note that users wanting to use fantaisist
-BotServ- commands MUST have enough level for both
-BotServ- the FANTASIA and another level depending
-BotServ- of the command if required (for example, to use
-BotServ- !op, user must have enough access for the OPDEOP
-BotServ- level).
-BotServ- Syntax: SET channel SYMBIOSIS {ON|OFF}
-BotServ- Enables or disables symbiosis mode on a channel.
-BotServ- When it is enabled, the bot will do everything
-BotServ- normally done by ChanServ on channels, such as MODEs,
-BotServ- KICKs, and even the entry message.
/msg BotServ HELP KICK
-BotServ- Syntax: KICK channel option parameters
-BotServ- Configures bot kickers.  option can be one of:
-BotServ-     BOLDS         Sets if the bot kicks bolds
-BotServ-     BADWORDS      Sets if the bot kicks bad words
-BotServ-     CAPS          Sets if the bot kicks caps
-BotServ-     COLORS        Sets if the bot kicks colors
-BotServ-     FLOOD         Sets if the bot kicks flooding users
-BotServ-     REPEAT        Sets if the bot kicks users who repeat
-BotServ-                        themselves
-BotServ-     REVERSES      Sets if the bot kicks reverses
-BotServ-     UNDERLINES    Sets if the bot kicks underlines
-BotServ- Type /msg BotServ HELP KICK option for more information
-BotServ- on a specific option.
-BotServ- Note: access to this command is controlled by the
-BotServ- level SET.
-BotServ- Syntax: KICK channel BOLDS {ON|OFF} [ttb]
-BotServ- Sets the bolds kicker on or off. When enabled, this
-BotServ- option tells the bot to kick users who use bolds.
-BotServ- ttb is the number of times an user can be kicked
-BotServ- before it get banned. Don't give ttb to disable
-BotServ- the ban system once activated.
-BotServ- Syntax: KICK #channel BADWORDS {ON|OFF} [ttb]
-BotServ- Sets the bad words kicker on or off. When enabled, this
-BotServ- option tells the bot to kick users who say certain words
-BotServ- on the channels.
-BotServ- You can define bad words for your channel using the
-BotServ- BADWORDS command. Type /msg BotServ HELP BADWORDS for
-BotServ- more information.
-BotServ- ttb is the number of times an user can be kicked
-BotServ- before it get banned. Don't give ttb to disable
-BotServ- the ban system once activated.
-BotServ- Syntax: KICK channel CAPS {ON|OFF} [ttb [min [percent]]]
-BotServ- Sets the caps kicker on or off. When enabled, this
-BotServ- option tells the bot to kick users who are talking in
-BotServ- CAPS.
-BotServ- The bot kicks only if there are at least min caps
-BotServ- and they constitute at least percent% of the total
-BotServ- text line (if not given, it defaults to 10 characters
-BotServ- and 25%).
-BotServ- ttb is the number of times an user can be kicked
-BotServ- before it get banned. Don't give ttb to disable
-BotServ- the ban system once activated.
-BotServ- Syntax: KICK channel COLORS {ON|OFF} [ttb]
-BotServ- Sets the colors kicker on or off. When enabled, this
-BotServ- option tells the bot to kick users who use colors.
-BotServ- ttb is the number of times an user can be kicked
-BotServ- before it get banned. Don't give ttb to disable
-BotServ- the ban system once activated.
-BotServ- Syntax: KICK channel FLOOD {ON|OFF} [ttb [ln [secs]]]
-BotServ- Sets the flood kicker on or off. When enabled, this
-BotServ- option tells the bot to kick users who are flooding
-BotServ- the channel using at least ln lines in secs seconds
-BotServ- (if not given, it defaults to 6 lines in 10 seconds).
-BotServ- ttb is the number of times an user can be kicked
-BotServ- before it get banned. Don't give ttb to disable
-BotServ- the ban system once activated.
-BotServ- Syntax: KICK #channel REPEAT {ON|OFF} [ttb [num]]
-BotServ- Sets the repeat kicker on or off. When enabled, this
-BotServ- option tells the bot to kick users who are repeating
-BotServ- themselves num times (if num is not given, it
-BotServ- defaults to 3).
-BotServ- ttb is the number of times an user can be kicked
-BotServ- before it get banned. Don't give ttb to disable
-BotServ- the ban system once activated.
-BotServ- Syntax: KICK channel REVERSES {ON|OFF} [ttb]
-BotServ- Sets the reverses kicker on or off. When enabled, this
-BotServ- option tells the bot to kick users who use reverses.
-BotServ- ttb is the number of times an user can be kicked
-BotServ- before it get banned. Don't give ttb to disable
-BotServ- the ban system once activated.
-BotServ- Syntax: KICK channel UNDERLINES {ON|OFF} [ttb]
-BotServ- Sets the underlines kicker on or off. When enabled, this
-BotServ- option tells the bot to kick users who use underlines.
-BotServ- ttb is the number of times an user can be kicked
-BotServ- before it get banned. Don't give ttb to disable
-BotServ- the ban system once activated.
-BotServ- Syntax: BADWORDS channel ADD word [SINGLE | START | END]
-BotServ-         BADWORDS channel DEL {word | entry-num | list}
-BotServ-         BADWORDS channel LIST [mask | list]
-BotServ-         BADWORDS channel CLEAR
-BotServ- Maintains the bad words list for a channel. The bad
-BotServ- words list determines which words are to be kicked
-BotServ- when the bad words kicker is enabled. For more information,
-BotServ- type /msg BotServ HELP KICK BADWORDS.
-BotServ- The BADWORDS ADD command adds the given word to the
-BotServ- badword list. If SINGLE is specified, a kick will be
-BotServ- done only if an user says the entire word. If START is
-BotServ- specified, a kick will be done if an user says a word
-BotServ- that starts with word. If END is specified, a kick
-BotServ- will be done if an user says a word that ends with
-BotServ- word. If you don't specify anything, a kick will
-BotServ- be issued every time word is said by an user.
-BotServ- The BADWORDS DEL command removes the given word from the
-BotServ- bad words list.  If a list of entry numbers is given, those
-BotServ- entries are deleted.  (See the example for LIST below.)
-BotServ- The BADWORDS LIST command displays the bad words list.  If
-BotServ- a wildcard mask is given, only those entries matching the
-BotServ- mask are displayed.  If a list of entry numbers is given,
-BotServ- only those entries are shown; for example:
-BotServ-    BADWORDS #channel LIST 2-5,7-9
-BotServ-       Lists bad words entries numbered 2 through 5 and
-BotServ-       7 through 9.
-BotServ- The BADWORDS CLEAR command clears all entries of the
-BotServ- bad words list.
/msg BotServ HELP ACT
-BotServ- Syntax: ACT channel text
-BotServ- Makes the bot do the equivalent of a "/me" command
-BotServ- on the given channel using the given text.
/msg BotServ HELP INFO
-BotServ- Syntax: INFO {chan | nick}
-BotServ- Allows you to see BotServ information about a channel or a bot.
-BotServ- If the parameter is a channel, then you'll get information
-BotServ- such as enabled kickers. If the parameter is a nick,
-BotServ- you'll get information about a bot, such as creation
-BotServ- time or number of channels it is on.
/msg BotServ HELP SAY
-BotServ- Syntax: SAY channel text
-BotServ- Makes the bot say the given text on the given channel.
-BotServ- Syntax: UNASSIGN chan
-BotServ- Unassigns a bot from a channel. When you use this command,
-BotServ- the bot won't join the channel anymore. However, bot
-BotServ- configuration for the channel is kept, so you will always
-BotServ- be able to reassign a bot later without have to reconfigure
-BotServ- it entirely.

@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ HostServ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
/msg HostServ HELP
-HostServ- HostServ commands:
-HostServ-     ON          Activates your assigned vhost
-HostServ-     OFF         Deactivates your assigned vhost
-HostServ-     GROUP       Syncs the vhost for all nicks in a group
/msg HostServ HELP ON
-HostServ- Syntax: ON
-HostServ- Activates the vhost currently assigned to the nick in use.
-HostServ- When you use this command any user who performs a /whois
-HostServ- on you will see the vhost instead of your real IP address.
/msg HostServ HELP OFF
-HostServ- Syntax: OFF
-HostServ- Deactivates the vhost currently assigned to the nick in use.
-HostServ- When you use this command any user who performs a /whois
-HostServ- on you will see your real IP address.
/msg HostServ HELP GROUP
-HostServ- Syntax: GROUP
-HostServ- This command allows users to set the vhost of their
-HostServ- CURRENT nick to be the vhost for all nicks in the same
-HostServ- group

Credit untuk Rakan Chetingan Dr YogYakarta....Indra Praja

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