26 May 2012

Senarai Kn Je Lau Suke

on 1:load:{
  echo -a 4Shitlist made by GT`crew is now loaded...
  echo -a 4To open the shitlist write /shitlist or go to the menubar
  echo -a Thank you for using my addon
  set %shitmode 2
  set %status 1
set %shit.msg Welcome to my shitlist 5,0 1,9GT`crew }

on 1:unload:{
  echo -a 4Shitlist made by GT`crew is now unloaded...
  unset %shitmode
  unset %status
  unset %shit.msg

menu  {

dialog shitlist {
  title "Shitlist by GT`crew"
  size -1 -1 140 100
  option dbu
  list 1, 5 5 55 90, sort size
  button "Add", 2, 65 18 30 10
  button "Del", 3, 105 18 30 10
  radio "Kick", 4, 95 50 35 10
  radio "Ban, Kick", 5, 95 60 35 10
  text "Punish:", 6, 65 50 25 10
  text "Kick msg:", 7, 65 35 25 10
  edit "", 8, 95 35 40 10, Autohs
  edit "", 9, 65 5 70 10, multi return Autohs
  text "Status:", 10, 65 75 25 10
  check "On", 11, 95 75 35 10
  check "Off", 12, 95 85 35 10
  icon $mircdir\shitlist\prots.ico, 0

on *:dialog:shitlist:*:*: {
  if $devent = init {
    didtok shitlist 1 32 %st.list
    did -a shitlist 8 %shit.msg
    if (%shitmode == 1) { did -c shitlist 4 }
    elseif (%shitmode == 2) { did -c shitlist 5 }
    if (%status == 1) { did -c shitlist 11 }
    elseif (%status == 2) { did -c shitlist 12 }
  if $devent = sclick {
    if $did = 2 { if ($did(9).text == $null) { return } | else { did -a shitlist 1 $did(9).text | set %st.list $didtok(shitlist,1,32) | .auser 5 $did(9).text | did -r shitlist 9 } }
    if $did = 3 { if ($did(1).sel == $null) { return } | else { .ruser 5 $did(shitlist,1).seltext | did -d shitlist 1 $did(1).sel | set %st.list $didtok(shitlist,1,32) } }
    if $did = 4 { .set %shitmode 1  }
    if $did = 5  { .set %shitmode 2 }
    if $did = 11 { .set %status 1 | did -c shitlist 11 | did -u shitlist 12 | .enable #shitlist }
    if $did = 12 { .set %status 2 | did -c shitlist 12 | did -u shitlist 11 | .disable #shitlist }
  if $devent = edit {
    if $did = 8 { .set %shit.msg $did(8) }

alias shitlist /dialog -m shitlist shitlist

#shitlist on
on +5:join:#: { if ($me isop $chan) { if (%shitmode == 1) { kick $chan $nick %shit.msg } | elseif (%shitmode == 2) { /ban $chan $nick | /kick $chan $nick %shit.msg } } }
#shitlist end

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