;;;;;; this was made and founder ;;;;;;
dialog ACP {
title "[Administration Control Panel] 3.5"
size -1 -1 245 245
option dbu
Tab "Admin Control", 1, 0 0 300 300,
box "Users", 2, 1 15 111 135
list 3, 20 23 75 125, extsel multsel size vsbar
button "Adchat" 5, 115 25 32 10, tab 1
box "Network Admin Commands", 4, 110 15 120 100, tab 1
button "AddMotd" 6, 115 35 32 10, tab 1
button "AddOMotd" 7, 115 45 32 10, tab 1
button "Chatops" 8, 115 55 32 10, tab 1
button "Chghost" 9, 115 68 32 10, tab 1
button "Chgident" 10, 115 78 32 10, tab 1
button "Chgname" 11, 115 88 32 10, tab 1
button "Gline" 12, 146 98 32 10, tab 1
button "Kline" 13, 146 68 32 10, tab 1
button "Kill" 14, 146 78 32 10, tab 1
button "Rehash" 15, 146 25 32 10, tab 1
button "Restart" 16, 146 35 32 10, tab 1
button "Die" 17, 146 45 32 10, tab 1
button "Sajoin" 18, 177 98 32 10, tab 1
button "Sapart" 19, 177 88 32 10, tab 1
button "Zline" 20, 146 88 32 10, tab 1
button "Shun" 21, 115 98 32 10, tab 1
button "Sethost" 22, 146 55 32 10, tab 1
button "Setident" 23, 177 35 32 10, tab 1
button "Connect" 24, 177 25 32 10, tab 1
;text "Non-Selectble User" 25, 179 45 65 13, tab 1
text "Ban Selectble User" 26, 179 78 65 10, tab 1
box "Server Lockdown", 27, 2 218 235 25, tab 1
button "1< Defcon" 28, 3 228 32 10, tab 1
button "2< Defcon" 29, 50 228 32 10, tab 1
button "3< Defcon" 30, 100 228 32 10, tab 1
button "4< Defcon" 31, 150 228 32 10, tab 1
button "5< Normal" 32, 200 228 32 10, tab 1
Tab "test", 33, 0 0 300 300,
box "Kicks And Auto op's", 34, 111 15 125 25, tab 33
box "DnsBL 1", 35, 110 120 160 20, tab 1
button "set" 36, 210 125 32 10, tab 1
box "DnsBL 2", 37, 110 140 160 20, tab 1
button "set" 38, 210 145 32 10, tab 1
edit "" 41, 115 128 92 10,tab 1
edit "" 42, 115 148 92 10,tab 1
text "/dns is really dangerous when the dnsbl is enable, make sure you don't use /dns on the users or they will get banned" 43, 115 178 100 50,tab 1
button "Turn on" 44, 115 165 32 10, tab 1
button "Turn off" 45, 148 165 32 10, tab 1
text "" 46, 185 165 60 10,tab 1
button "set" 47, 184 108 20 10, tab 33
edit "" 48, 128 100 10 10,tab 33
text "Lines" 49, 116 100 12 10,tab 33
edit "" 50, 158 100 10 10,tab 33
text "Secs" 51, 145 100 13 10,tab 33
box "Anti Flood", 52, 111 90 100 50, tab 33
edit "#" 53, 140 110 40 10, tab 33
button "Turn off" 54, 116 120 32 10, tab 33
button "Turn on" 55, 149 120 32 10, tab 33
text "" 56, 182 120 50 10,tab 33
text "Channel" 57, 116 112 20 8,tab 33
;text "on text:" 58, 106 190 20 10,tab 33
;button "Turn off" 59, 180 200 32 10, tab 33
;button "Turn on" 60, 180 210 32 10, tab 33
;text "on join:" 61, 180 190 20 10,tab 33
;text "" 62, 200 190 20 10,tab 33
button "~" 63, 95 23 16 16, tab 33
button "" 64, 95 43 16 16, tab 33
button "@" 65, 95 63 16 16, tab 33
button "%" 66, 95 83 16 16, tab 33
button "+" 67, 95 103 16 16, tab 33
button "- ~" 68, 2 23 16 16, tab 33
button "" 69, 2 43 16 16, tab 33
button "- @" 70, 2 63 16 16, tab 33
button "- %" 71, 2 83 16 16, tab 33
button "- +" 72, 2 103 16 16, tab 33
button "Kick/Ban" 73, 113 23 28 10, tab 33
button "Mute" 74, 141 23 20 10, tab 33
;button "Unmute" 75, 161 23 22 10, tab 33
button "Ban" 76, 183 23 20 10, tab 33
box "Mode", 77, 111 38 100 44, tab 33
check "Invite Only" 78, 115 45 35 10, tab 33
check "Limit" 79, 115 55 35 10, tab 33
check "No external" 80, 115 65 35 10, tab 33
check "Mods set Topic" 81, 155 45 43 10, tab 33
check "No knocks" 82, 155 55 43 10, tab 33
check "Mute Channel" 83, 155 65 43 10, tab 33
list 84, 28 150 200 75, extsel multsel size vsbar, tab 33
text "Ban List" 85, 3 150 24 13, tab 33
button "Remove" 86, 2 158 24 15, tab 33
button "Ban Channel" 87, 30 225 40 15, tab 33
button "Ban Ident" 88, 70 225 40 15, tab 33
check "Disable Oper Warning" 89, 3 200 60 15, tab 1
text "" 90, 3 150 80 13, tab 1
alias ACP {
set %chan $active
dialog -m ACP ACP
set %iii i
If (o isincs $usermode) {
did -a ACP 90 You have access to this network $server
elseif ($group(#notoper) == on) dialog -m isnotoper isnotoper
#notoper on
dialog isnotoper {
title "Warning!"
size -1 -1 125 40
option dbu
text "YOU ARE NOT AN OPER OF THIS NETWORK, Feel free to use the other tabs or Login in order to use this tab" 1, 3 3 120 100,
button "OK" 2, 50 25 20 15, ok
on 1:dialog:isnotoper:sclick:1: {
.did -k isnotoper
#notoper end
on 1:dialog:acp:sclick:78: {
If (i isincs $chan(%chan).mode) {
mode %chan -i
else mode %chan +i
on 1:dialog:acp:sclick:79: {
If (l isincs $chan(%chan).mode) {
mode %chan -l
else mode %chan +l $$?"add a limit for %chan "
on 1:dialog:acp:sclick:80: {
If (n isincs $chan(%chan).mode) {
mode %chan -n
else mode %chan +n
on 1:dialog:acp:sclick:81: {
If (t isincs $chan(%chan).mode) {
mode %chan -tK | did -u ACP 82
else mode %chan +t
on 1:dialog:acp:sclick:82: {
If (K isincs $chan(%chan).mode) {
mode %chan -K
elseif (i isincs $chan(%chan).mode) {
mode %chan +K
else dialog -m inotset inotset | did -u acp 82
on 1:dialog:acp:sclick:83: {
If (m isincs $chan(%chan).mode) {
mode %chan -m
else mode %chan +m
on 1:dialog:acp:sclick:89: {
If ($group(#notoper) == on) {
disable #notoper
else enable #notoper
on 1:dialog:acp:sclick:88: {
set %idenname $$?"ban ident username"
mode %chan +b %idenname $+ @*
did -a ACP 84 %idenname $+ @*
on 1:dialog:acp:sclick:74: {
var %set.mode $did(3,0).sel
while (%set.mode) {
mode %chan +b ~q: $+ $address( $did(3,$did(3,%set.mode).sel).text , 2 )
dec %set.mode
did -a acp 84 ~q: $+ $address( $did(3,$did(3,%set.mode).sel).text , 2 )
on 1:dialog:acp:sclick:75: {
var %set.mode $did(3,0).sel
while (%set.mode) {
mode %chan -b ~q: $+ $address( $did(3,$did(3,%set.mode).sel).text , 2 )
dec %set.mode
on 1:dialog:acp:sclick:73: {
var %set.mode $did(3,0).sel
while (%set.mode) {
mode %chan +b $address( $did(3,$did(3,%set.mode).sel).text , 2 )
kick %chan $did(3,$did(3,%set.mode).sel).text $$?"Reason"
dec %set.mode
did -a acp 84 $address( $did(3,$did(3,%set.mode).sel).text , 2 )
on 1:dialog:acp:sclick:86: {
var %set.mode $did(84,0).sel
var %set.modeList $did(84,1).sel
while (%set.mode) {
mode %chan -b $did(84,$did(84,%set.mode).sel).text
.timer 1 0 did -d $dname 84 $did(84,%set.modeList).sel
dec %set.mode
on 1:dialog:acp:sclick:87: {
set %set.chan $$?"Ban Channel "
mode %chan +b ~c:# $+ %set.chan
did -a acp 84 ~c:# $+ %set.chan
dialog inotset {
title "Warning!"
size -1 -1 125 30
option dbu
text "You Can't set 'No Knocks' The 'Invite Only' Must be Checked" 1, 3 3 100 100,
on 1:dialog:ACP:sclick:*: {
if ( $did == 5 ) {
adchat $$?"Message"
if ( $did == 6 ) {
inc %rows
/addmotd $$?"(LINE 1)"
/addmotd $$?"(LINE 2)"
/addmotd $$?"(LINE 3)"
/addmotd $$?"(LINE 4)"
/addmotd $$?"(LINE 5)"
if ( $did == 7 ) {
/addmootd $$?"(LINE 1)"
/addomotd $$?"(LINE 2)"
/addomotd $$?"(LINE 3)"
/addomotd $$?"(LINE 4)"
/addomotd $$?"(LINE 5)"
if ( $did == 8 ) {
chatops $$?"message"
if ( $did == 9 ) {
chghost $did(3).seltext $$?"change $did(3).seltext $+ 's host"
if ( $did == 10 ) {
Chgident $did(3).seltext $$?"change $did(3).seltext $+ 's ident"
if ( $did == 11 ) {
Chgname $did(3).seltext $$?"change $did(3).seltext $+ 's Real name"
if ( $did == 16 ) {
restart $$?"Password"
if ( $did == 15 ) {
if ( $did == 17 ) {
die $$?"Password"
if ( $did == 18 ) {
sajoin $did(3).seltext $$?"Channel: #chat1,#chat2,#chat3"
if ( $did == 19 ) {
sapart $did(3).seltext $$?"Channel"
if ( $did == 21 ) {
shun $did(3).seltext - $$?"Reason"
if ( $did == 22 ) {
sethost $$?"Set Your Hostname:"
if ( $did == 23 ) {
setident $$?"Set Your Ident:"
if ( $did == 24 ) {
Connect $$?"Connect\link With Server"
if ( $did == 28 ) {
msg operserv defcon 1
if ( $did == 29 ) {
msg operserv defcon 2
if ( $did == 30 ) {
msg operserv defcon 3
if ( $did == 31 ) {
msg operserv defcon 4
if ( $did == 32 ) {
msg operserv defcon 5
if ($did == 12) {
set %reason $$?"reason"
var %kill.lines $did(3,0).sel
while (%kill.lines) {
gline $did(3,$did(3,%kill.lines).sel).text %reason
dec %kill.lines
if ($did == 13) {
set %reason $$?"reason"
var %kill.lines $did(3,0).sel
while (%kill.lines) {
kline $did(3,$did(3,%kill.lines).sel).text %reason
dec %kill.lines
if ($did == 14) {
set %reason $$?"reason"
var %kill.lines $did(3,0).sel
while (%kill.lines) {
kill $did(3,$did(3,%kill.lines).sel).text %reason
dec %kill.lines
if ($did == 20) {
set %reason $$?"reason"
var %kill.lines $did(3,0).sel
while (%kill.lines) {
echo zline $did(3,$did(3,%kill.lines).sel).text %reason
dec %kill.lines
if ( $did == 36 ) {
set %dnsbl1 $did(41).text
if ( $did == 38 ) {
set %dnsbl2 $did(42).text
if ( $did == 44 ) {
.enable #dnsbl
did -a ACP 46 $iif($group(#dnsbl).status iswm on, Stats: Enabled, Stats: Disabled)
if ( $did == 45 ) {
.disable #dnsbl
did -a ACP 46 $iif($group(#dnsbl).status iswm on, Stats: Enabled, Stats: Disabled)
if ( $did == 47 ) {
set %fline $did(48).text
set %sline $did(50).text
set %jline $did(53).text
if ( $did == 54 ) {
.disable #flood
did -a ACP 56 $iif($group(#flood).status iswm on, Enabled, Disabled)
if ( $did == 55 ) {
.enable #flood
did -a ACP 56 $iif($group(#flood).status iswm on, Enabled, Disabled)
if ( $did == 59 ) {
.disable #joinflood
did -a ACP 62 $iif($group(#joinflood).status iswm on, Enabled, Disabled)
if ( $did == 60 ) {
.enable #joinflood
did -a ACP 62 $iif($group(#joinflood).status iswm on, Enabled, Disabled)
if ($did == 63) {
var %set.mode $did(3,0).sel
while (%set.mode) {
mode %chan +q $did(3,$did(3,%set.mode).sel).text
dec %set.mode
if ($did == 64) {
var %set.mode $did(3,0).sel
while (%set.mode) {
mode %chan +a $did(3,$did(3,%set.mode).sel).text
dec %set.mode
if ($did == 65) {
var %set.mode $did(3,0).sel
while (%set.mode) {
mode %chan +o $did(3,$did(3,%set.mode).sel).text
dec %set.mode
if ($did == 66) {
var %set.mode $did(3,0).sel
while (%set.mode) {
mode %chan +h $did(3,$did(3,%set.mode).sel).text
dec %set.mode
if ($did == 67) {
var %set.mode $did(3,0).sel
while (%set.mode) {
mode %chan +v $did(3,$did(3,%set.mode).sel).text
dec %set.mode
if ($did == 68) {
var %set.mode $did(3,0).sel
while (%set.mode) {
mode %chan -q $did(3,$did(3,%set.mode).sel).text
dec %set.mode
if ($did == 69) {
var %set.mode $did(3,0).sel
while (%set.mode) {
mode %chan -a $did(3,$did(3,%set.mode).sel).text
dec %set.mode
if ($did == 70) {
var %set.mode $did(3,0).sel
while (%set.mode) {
mode %chan -o $did(3,$did(3,%set.mode).sel).text
dec %set.mode
if ($did == 71) {
var %set.mode $did(3,0).sel
while (%set.mode) {
mode %chan -h $did(3,$did(3,%set.mode).sel).text
dec %set.mode
if ($did == 72) {
var %set.mode $did(3,0).sel
while (%set.mode) {
mode %chan -v $did(3,$did(3,%set.mode).sel).text
dec %set.mode
on *:DIALOG:ACP:*:*: {
if ($devent == init) {
var %a = 1
while ($nick(%chan,%a)) {
did -a ACP 3 $nick(%chan,%a)
inc %a
else { inc %a }
if ($devent == init) {
did -a ACP 41 %dnsbl1
did -a ACP 42 %dnsbl2
did -a ACP 46 $iif($group(#dnsbl).status iswm on, Stats: Enabled, Stats: Disabled)
did -a ACP 33 %chan
did -a ACP 48 %fline
did -a ACP 50 %sline
did -a ACP 56 $iif($group(#flood).status iswm on, Enabled, Disabled)
;did -a ACP 62 $iif($group(#joinflood).status iswm on, Enabled, Disabled)
did -ra ACP 53 %jline
did -a ACP 64 $chr(182)
did -a ACP 69 - $chr(182)
did -v ACP 4
If (i isincs $chan(%chan).mode) {
did -c acp 78
If (l isincs $chan(%chan).mode) {
did -c acp 79
If (n isincs $chan(%chan).mode) {
did -c acp 80
If (t isincs $chan(%chan).mode) {
did -c acp 81
If (K isincs $chan(%chan).mode) {
did -c acp 82
If ($group(#notoper) == off) {
did -c acp 89
if ($devent == init) {
var %banlist = 0
if (%banlist == $ibl(%chan,0)) {
else {
inc %banlist
did -a ACP 84 $ibl(%chan,%banlist)
goto banlist
#dnsbl off
on 1:snotice:*Client connecting*:{
whois $9
raw 378:*:{
var %dnsC1 $+($gettok($7,4,46),.,$gettok($7,3,46),.,$gettok($7,2,46),.,$gettok($7,1,46),.%dnsbl1)
var %dnsC2 $+($gettok($7,4,46),.,$gettok($7,3,46),.,$gettok($7,2,46),.,$gettok($7,1,46),.%dnsbl2)
set %RBLdns.ip $7
dns %dnsC1
dns %dnsC2
On 1:DNS: {
if ($dns(0)) { gline *@ $+ %RBLdns.ip 14h Your IP was detected as a worm or proxy, 14 hour ban } ; change this line if you like
unset %RBLdns.ip
#dnsbl end
#flood off
on *:text:*:#%jline:{
inc -u [ $+ [ %sline ] ] %flood. [ $+ [ $nick ] ]
if (%flood. [ $+ [ $nick ] ] == %fline) {
/mode $chan +b $address( $nick , 2 )
/kick $chan $nick Flooding,
#flood end
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